I’m just starting on my adventure of homeschooling and I’ll be posting a lot more about why I’m homeschooling and reviews of some different resources and lesson plans.  But for now here’s a collection of some of my favorite resources just so that I have the list to help me get started on those more detailed posts in the near future.  This section of my website will definitely see improvements, but this is a start 🙂

Reading Eggs & Math Seeds

Reading Kingdom

Tuttle Twins

Kiwi Crates

Magic School Bus – Sam *loves* these shows and he’s learned so much about different scientific concepts.  52 episodes of awesome scientific goodness.

They Might Be Giants’ album Here Comes Science – There are YouTube videos as well that are awesome. I love playing these as we drive around town running errands etc. It’s an easy way to teach kids great concepts in a memorable way. I have deleted their first song “Science is Real” from our playlist as it is very anti-religion, but I love the rest of the album

Khan Academy – So far *I* have really enjoyed the content, but it might be a little over Sam’s head.  Of course, we signed up today so there’s definitely more exploring to do.

Time4Learning.com – Sam has *loved* this, he requests to do it for his game and can work through the content for hours on end.  I really feel like he’s learning a lot too

K12.com – This is the curriculum I’m currently using.  It’s free (which is awesome) and gives me the support of our local school system. I feel like it’s a great half step for us to get into homeschooling.  I’m finding ways to make it really work for me.  I’ll post more on it later.

SpellingCity.com – I’ve really liked this for doing the spelling curriculum for K12, it’s a lot more fun than flashcards, and it lets Sam do all of the pre-tests and tests without needing too much intervention 🙂

SET (card game) – Sam did a lesson from Time4Learning that was teaching him to compare and contrast different things. I decided to pull out SET and have us play together. It really helped him practice the concepts in a fun way. I was surprised with how fast he picked up on the game

Audible – Our Audible account is one of our family’s most prized possessions.  Ok, maybe not quite, but close!  So far we have pretty much all grown up books, but I think part of the point of homeschooling kids is to teach them that learning is a lifelong pursuit, and this is how I am pursuing my learning now 🙂

Monkey Preschool Lunchbox (Android App)

Oceanhouse Media Android Book Apps

Super Why

My Pinterest Homescool Board