Category: Personal

Faith is Stressful

Amidst our home’s chaotic renovations, I unexpectedly signed up to host missionaries for dinner. Facing an unready house and a tight schedule, I learned a profound lesson about faith, family teamwork, and divine timing. Discover how our frantic Sunday turned into a memorable evening of connections and growth.

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Happy Mother’s Day Mom AND Dad!

I know on Mother’s Day we’re supposed to really focus on just our mothers, however today I want to pay a quick tribute to both my mom AND dad. In addition to today being Mother’s Day, today my dad was released as the bishop of my family’s home ward. He has served in that calling […]

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Hiking Through Life’s Trials

This past Tuesday I went on a hike with our ward’s Cub Scout Pack.  One of my current callings is as Cub Scout Committee Chair and Eric serves as our ward’s Cubmaster, so even though we don’t have any cub scouts in our family yet we are very involved with the organization.  Every year we’re […]

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Be Kind

The quote at the beginning of this post is something that’s been on my mind frequently over the past year – “Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”.  I’ve seen this quote in the past and thought, “sure, some people are fighting really hard battles, but there are people who really just have it easy. […]

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❤️ This Is My World ❤️

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Books We Love

The Tuttle Twins - a child's foundation of freedom

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat

Audible Keeps Me Reading